
I Know Why The Moon Cries: Ch1

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Chapter 1
The Start

If I had known, had any idea of what I was getting into, when I first spoke to Dakoushimaru...

     I closed my eyes, and envisioned a dark room. I had read online prior to this, to find your daemon, you must invite them in, and close the door behind them, as so they do not feel unwelcome. You'd have to feel them come in, and be precise, so you do not close the door too soon, or you would never hear froom them again. I had heard his voice yelling at me a few days prior, when I made a careless mistake while cooking. "You idiot!" I knew he had to be real. And if this works... I'd never be lonely again. I called out, mentally, in the dark room. "Are you there? Please, come in!!! I felt something enter. Another presence. Me. But not me. I  closed the door immediately. I couldn't let him leave me!
     "Why did you do that?" The me but not me asked. I responded, "So you would not leave me." The me but not me expressed humor, a feeling of laughter deep within me, before saying, "Riko, I would never leave you. I never have. I've been here, this whole time, waiting for you. Waiting for you to come to me, acknowledge me. After all, it's been lonely..."

I wouldn't have changed a thing.

     "Riko! This may not be real. I wouldn't trust it." Dakoushi's warning reverbrated in my mind. I sighed, and looked at the computer screen, at the red background, the dark print, and the dark chatbox. "What have I to lose? There is much more to gain than there is to lose." Dakoushi expressed himself as he would normally - by spreading the feeling of dislike within myself. The me but not me, Dakoushi. I had gone through so much with him already. He had talked to me while I walked in a blizzard, keeping me moving, while I searched for the glasses that I had carelessly dropped. He gave me support through the worst of times. He has calmed me in my rages, talked me out of taking pills. He has stayed by me while I was in a wheelchair, tormented, in pain, set apart, alone. All of this in the span of a little over two years. After all, when I had met him, It was towards the end of eighth grade. Now, it's early eleventh grade. Early September, to be precise. I was broken from my walk down memory lane by Dakoushi's next protest. "I know that you THINK that you have Traveled,  but you never confirmed it with the person! You are too cowardly!!!!!" I flinched, mentally and physically. It was true, of course, and I knew it. "Yes, I am cowardly. I can't very well ask though! I don't know if it even happened.. I don't know if I am going insane!! And I don't know if he'd be even aware of my Traveling to him..."

     It was late August. I had forgotten my promise to go to a tupperware "party" with my mom. It wasn't a party at all, but a get together where tupperware products would be show cased, and then sold. And of course, as luck would have it, I was talking with a friend of mine, and he was in pain, and in need of my support, and I had to go to the get together. I promised my friend I would be back in an hour. It was a promise I couldn't keep. I was restless. I paced. I stared at the clock, willing it to go slower, to give me more time, so I could keep my promise. Unable to take it any longer, I stepped outside. I had remembered the theory of astral projection, and I knew about how some people could separate their spirit from their body, and achieve projection that way. I knew I had to try. I had to do something. I closed my eyes, and envisioned my friend. I repeated their name in my mind, over and over. I became light-headed, and my eyes moved rapidly, REMing. Then, in my mind's eye, I saw my friend. He was in pain. I flinched. This was my fault, I wasn't there for him! I looked at the scenery, and knew that this couldn't be projection. The scenery was... wrong. Not how I would have imagined it. The grass looked as grass did in the summer. The sky had few clouds, and was a beautiful shade of blue, and there was a forest in the background, with an old style castle. I saw another by my friend. I felt so bad. I couldn't do anything. I tried to speak, but no sound came out. It was how I'd imagine it'd feel if I were mute. I broke concentration, and my light-headedness faded, and my vision took several moments to clear. I never told anyone of that experience. I figured it was my imagination. But, when I heard of Darka's exploits, and how she Traveled mentally to Earthen, it made me consider that the experience could have been a Mental Travel, that I was not imagining it, and not going insane.

     I sighed. I still couldn't trust this. This is too much to be immediately believed. I needed proof. But I had to try this. "Please, let me try, at least. I have to at least try." Dakoushi only gave an angry sigh. I typed into the chat box, [I think I need a visual, if I am to Travel. Do you have a picture of yourself?] I addressed Earthen, whom I'd be Traveling to.
     [Sure, give me a moment to get a link.]
     We may not have met in real life, but we were all close. We had met when I was in ninth grade, when I revamped a site of mine for the purpose of roleplaying, and invited members of a club of another site I came on. Only a handful have stayed the entire time. Earthen, Darka, Obsidian, Lichen, Space, Hawk, and myself, Sun. We all grew very close in the short time that we have known eachother, and we trust eachother a lot. We all know eachothers pasts, and our fears, and insecurities, and we've stuck by eachother in thick and thin. We all already know what everyone looks like, so asking for a picture was no cause for alarm.
     The link came up on the box, and I clicked it into a new tab, and stared at the picture. I memorized key features, so I could travel without having to stare at the picture, so I could concentrate properly. I already knew what to expect. From what I had heard from Darka, the only one of us that could Travel, as far as I know, Earthen had a fire wall for a mental shield. And also, it was blocking Earthen's abilities. It was an unnatural shield. But, we were all uneasy about breaking it. As, wouldn't that alert the maker, of the shield? I pushed away the worry. It was too late for that. I wanted to take action.
     [Okay, I'm ready. -travels-] I post on the box.
     I closed my eyes, and focus on the image of Earthen. I repeat her real life name in my mind, and feel myself grow light-headed, and my eyes REM'd. Suddenly, my mind's eye was open. I could see. I first looked down. I always look down, first. I could see lush green grass. I then worked my way up, staring at my surroundings. There was tall pine and deciduous trees, casting shade on everything around, and the sun was bright, with a bright blue sky, with very few clouds. And, conspicuously in the middle of this scenery, was a large shield, that looked to go on forever. It looked more solid than I imagined it. But, it glowed red, so I figured it had to be correct. [Okay, I see the fire wall.] I typed.
     Darka expressed her confusion. [What? Her shield is crystal!] I blinked in surprise. That made sense! That was why it seemed more solid than it should for me. But the red glow- "It must be aura!" Dakoushi interrupted my train of thought. "That would make sense." Indeed, it would make sense.
     I could see auras. Have been able to, since I was in late ninth grade. The ability had developed over time. The color of the aura indicated the current mood. The darkness or pureness of the color denoted trustablity. Paleness or vibrance denoted illness or health. And how smooth the aura around the person was denoted stability. "It must be the aura of the maker. His aura must be what I see on the shield!" I relayed that to the chat box. It made sense. Curious, I wondered if I had the strength to break the shield. I put my hand on it, and pressed experimentally. [-pushes experimentally-] I typed, so they'd be aware of what I was doing.
     Darka's response surprised me. [Be careful, don't get his attention.] She was there, in Earthen's mind as well.
     I asked, [Do you see me?] Her response made Dakoushi laugh, a rare thing from him.
     [Yes, I see you, the little blue spark.]
     I chuckled. [Cool! -hits the shield-] I felt something. I looked, but didn't see anything, but I felt an aura similar to the shield.
     Darka exclaimed, [Sun, he's here, get out of here, he's coming close to you!]
     Alarmed, I didn't move. I growled protectively. [No, he's the one that did this to Earthen! I can't leave!] Suddenly, I lost concentration, out of the blue. I was thrown out of Earthen's mind. I heard a click on the box, and I looked, alarmed.
     Darka had typed, [-pushes you out of Earthen's mind, to protect you-]
     I was first annoyed, then I was amazed. I was thrown out so easily! I knew, then, that this was what I had to catch up to. I had to catch up to that level of power. I knew that if I were to be of ANY use, I had to at least match Darka.
     Darka left Earthen's mind. We talked, for quite some time. We came to the conclusion, that we should rest, and then take down the shield in as little time as possible, to escape notice. And, I'd help, since we now know that I can Travel. I felt some pride - I was the second on the site to Travel. And, soon, I'd free Earthen from her oppression. "Riko... you aren't ACTUALLY considering this, are you?!" Dakoushi growled, alarmed. "We don't even know if this is real! Riko, you'll only end up hurting yourself! What if something happens?! No one will be able to help you, doctors will be useless!" I argued back, "This must be real. And even if it isn't, this is worth it. This is something to live for. And NOTHING will happen - I may be reckless, but I'm not stupid. I won't let anything happen." Dakoushi snorted. "Maybe so. However... How will you keep this secret?" I frowned. "What do you mean?" Dakoushi snapped. "You KNOW what I mean. The ones that have no clue of what you are doing. How will you keep this from them?" I gave him an icy mental stare. "The way I always keep secrets. I'll simply lie." Dakoushi icily stared back. "You will only hurt yourself, and them." -sighs- "Remember, Riko. Guard your heart..."

     [Okay, let's do this!] I typed. I was fired up and ready to go. I was excited. All my life, I've had dreams of doing things for others, being able to be of use, to directly help others. And now, I could! I grinned. This was going to be fun. "Riko, be careful. The maker of the shield could come." Dakoushi rumbled. I snorted. Like THAT would happen. "You worry too much, I'll be fine. And besides, I am finally able to help others! Let me do this!" Dakoushi's only response was to growl. "Just be careful." I laughed. "Yes sir, Dakoushi sir!!" It was a tease I'd often use with him when I feel he is being too overbearing. Dakoushi only hmphed, in response.
     [Okay, I'll meet you there Sun.] Darka replied. I nodded, and closed my eyes, fixing Earthen's image in my mind, feeling the symptoms of travel come down on me like a heavy blanket. My mind's eye opened, and I saw Earthen's shield. I felt a sense of determination, and confidence. It will go down, and it will go down today!
     [I'm there.] I typed. I put my hand on the shield. This was going to be fun!
     [Okay, let's start taking this down.] Darka announced, and I saw her, or I should say, her aura, which was a vibrant green, as she slammed the shield, and parts started shattering and breaking. I started on my section of shield, making one hole, then working on enlarging it. [Shit, it's regenerating!!!] Alarmed, I looked at my section of shield, and saw the hole I was working so hard to enlarge was already mostly closed up.
     [-tries harder, tries to keep up with regeneration-] I alerted Darka, head starting to pound from the exertion. I took a deep breath, determined to see this through.
     [Sun, watch out for him, he may be nearby!] I looked from the section of shield I was working on breaking, to the surroundings, and back. I didn't see anything.
     [I don't see anyone, but I'll keep an eye out.]
     [Thank you.] Was Darka's reply. I nodded, and grimly continued the breaking of the shield. I felt the same weird aura, and looked around, and saw a dark figure in the distance, with a menacing red aura. I took a step back instinctively, and opened my eyes, my fingers flying over the keys of the computer, desperate to alert Darka.
     [He's here!!!! I see him, he's a ways off!]
     To my surprise, Earthen replied. [He's there?! -pissed- Get rid of him!!!] I was only too happy to agree. I will not stand for the oppression of my friends! But, Darka surprised me more.
     [Sun, don't fight him, he's far too strong for you!!!! I'll distract him, you get this shield down!] I saw her aura go over to meet him, and I saw energy fly. I watched them for a moment, then remembered the regenerating shield, and started hitting it with all of my strength, throwing my Mental Persona up against it, breaking it down in larger and larger sections, as I slowly became more used to this. [Shit, he's using fire!!!! -uses earth to combat him-] I saw her exclaim on the computer screen. I looked back to where they were fighting, and decided I had to try something! I ran over, and recalled that I have a natural affinity for water, and brought energy into my hands, and threw it at him. He evaporated it with an easy flick of his wrist.
     [-comes over, fights too, to help-] I typed.
     [No, Sun! He's too strong for you yet, keep the shield from regenerating!!!] I was miffed, but I consented. He could evaporate my water so easily.
     [Yeah, when I tried water on it, he was able to stop it easily... -goes back to the shield, keeps it from regenerating-] Suddenly, the man's aura was gone. I looked to the computer screen.
     [-pushes him out, finishes breaking down shield-] So that's why he was gone! I added my energy to Darka's and watched the shield break, and fall, in large chunks.
     [I think we did it! It's not regenerating!!!!] I looked at the landscape of Earthen's inner mind, feeling a sense of accomplishment. There was a beautiful path winding into a dark pine forest, with mountains in the background. I let my concentration fall, and had full awareness of the Physical Plane. First thing I felt was Dakoushimaru's displeasure. I sighed. I would deal with his temper tantrum later. [-dizzy, gets up, tries to not fall over, gets caffeine-] I typed, before getting up, and doing just that, nearly tripping over my own feet in the process. I winced, and rubbed my Achilles on my left foot, as it was agitated. I drank a cherry pepsi, and sighed happily. Caffeine was my drug. It calmed my heart, cleared my mind, and took my mind off of stress. I laughed, recalling a memory of my parents fussing over the fact that a lot of the family was achoholics, and that they worried about me being one. Why would I be one? I have caffeine after all. I heard dry, humorless laughter from Dakoushi.  I frowned, and growled under my breath. "What's your problem?!" Dakoushi stopped his mean laugh, and growled, "Riko, you were needlessly reckless! You could have gotten yourself hurt." I rolled my eyes. As if! I returned to the computer. [-drinks caffeine, feels better-] Darka and Earthen were in the middle of a conversation. I read up, and got the gist. Darka was asking Earthen how she felt. Earthen was feeling better than she had in months. I smiled, happy. I somehow knew, deep down, that this was the start of something much greater. It began with me meeting Dakoushimaru, the expression of my subconscious and my inner powers, and it led to me discovering and using these inner powers. Where this would end... Only time will tell, I suppose.
Ok, the format of how this one will be done is going to be a bit different than the Canid-kin book. Due to me not being able to use my own computer, I will make the draft of the prologue of this book, and then modify it over time until it's finished, and then work on chapter 1, submitting a draft, then modifying that draft until it's done, etc etc. Anyway, on to the meaning of this book.

The title: I know why the moon cries. This is something that has plagued my life. I look at the moon often, especially when walking, as it helps me to believe in the illusion that I'm not alone. And, the moon, to me, always looks like he's crying... the meaning will become clear over the course of the book.

The book itself: This is heavily parallel to my own life. The main difference is the names. It is told from the point of view of Riko, in first person (which is a challenge for me, I don't usually write in first person, this'll be fun XD) As for what parts are parallel... I'll leave that to interpretation. ;)

Next: [link]
© 2010 - 2024 Riko-JOKH
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Dragongirl113's avatar
sounds just like him XDDDDDDDDD so, is this based on all the shit we have been well u have been going through this summer?